
Posts Tagged ‘Horizons

Homeopathy Put To The Test

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Of the alternative medicines out there, few are as widely accepted as homeopathy.  You can walk into your neighborhood drugstore and find homeopathic medicines on the shelf.  It is widely used, but makes no sense according to our current scientific understanding of the universe.  Based on the dilution standards of homeopathic medicine, not a single molecule of the diluted substance remains in the medicine.  Without a molecule present, the substance should have absolutely no effect on the subject using the medicine.

A couple scientists, however, have claimed startling evidence that, in defiance of the understood laws of the universe, demonstrates water in fact has a “memory” of the diluted substance.  The BBC series Horizon documents these extraordinary claims being put to the test by some of the most respected scientific observers and the notorious skeptic James Randi, whose foundation offers a one million dollar prize to anyone able to verify claims that defy established scientific understanding.

Spoiler alert: Homeopathy does not pass the test and the recognized laws of the universe remain unshaken.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Written by Aaron Nee

April 15, 2010 at 8:37 pm